A Wanda’s company

SOUS LES CENDRES – 4 x52’ series
A fire devours a renowned restaurant in the dead of night. The owner and his family miraculously escape. But amid the charred remains, an unidentified body is found. Accidental victim or arsonist caught in the flames? There’s no clue to tell... While examining the scene, Audrey, the detective assigned to the case, burns her hand on a still-smoldering handle. This burn, against her will, brings back memories of a violent childhood, forcing her to conduct a personal investigation alongside her search for the identity of the mysterious body and the reasons behind the fire. Can she handle both quests at once? Will she uncover the truth beyond the secrets and silences?
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- Drama
Created and written by
- Monica Rattazzi et Alexandre Coffre
Available material
- Bible
- Wanda Originals
Project status
- In development
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