A Wanda’s company

NOS VIES EN L’AIR – 8 x26’ series
Mina and Ocean, two teenagers, unexpectedly encounter each other on a Parisian rooftop with the same intention of ending their lives. Shaken by this coincidence, they form an unexpected bond, sharing their distress and fears. Mina, a fearless girl from Belleville, and Ocean, a wounded heir from an elite family, make a pact: to spend one last night together and give life one final chance. If dawn changes nothing, they will jump, together. Will this night on the edge free them from their desire to die? Our two heroes are not afraid of death, but will they find the courage to live?
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- Drama
Adapted for the screen by
- Margaux Bonhomme
Written by
- Margaux Bonhomme and Lockwood
Based on the novel
- “Nos vies en l’air” by Manon Fargetton – Rageot Editeur
Narrative Arcs
- Margaux Bonhomme
- Victor Lockwood
- and Adriana Barbato
- with the participation of Delphine Agut and Marine Josset
- Jonathan Cohen-Berry and Anthony Jorge
- Wanda Originals
Project Status
- Available on France TV Slash
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